Friday, September 19, 2008

Fall it officially fall, yet?

Well, I have neglected to get my sweet family's pictures and happenings up here here we go!

Bryn's first football game(as a cheerleader) was last Saturday. We've had another since then, but it poured down rain so I made no pictures at the second one. Football = Fall, right?

These two below are two of her bestest buddies. I think they are some of my favorites from her group of buddies.

Bryn was messing around with the digital and made some incredibly funny pictures of her sister and brother....swim goggles=fall....NOT. Go figure.

Only being allowed to play video games on the weekend=FALL!

I rarely catch Will on film. He's my loner child and seems to be in his room, or reading, or just being alone while the rest of us are going crazy. Ken says it's because he's hit that preteen goofy stage...who knows?

Okay, back to the title of the blog. Is it fall yet? Well, UT played ball Saturday and won. We didn't get to see it thanks to our local network. THe screen was black for most of the game....not happy. My thoughts are college football=FALL!!! Yes, it's Fall, and I'm loving it.

Hugs to you all!!!


MBJones said...

The Richmond clan is too cute! Thanks for sharing the photos. I love "lurking" and seeing what is going on with everybody.

Brad and Shana said...

You know, I'd like to think it's fall, but at Bryce's football game this morning at 11:30 I was baking (not basking) in the hot sun.

Come fall, come!!

I agree with Mary Beth, y'all all are too cute!

Bridenstine4 said...

Those are great pictures. You can tell you guys have a lot going on. Thanks for sharing.

Jenny said...

I'm with MB & Shana...too cute! You should keep them.

Maddie said...

Oh...I love fall! love all your pics! Helps when your subjects are as cute as your kids are!

Tamara Chastain said...

I too love fall and all of it's craziness.