Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Richmond's Frolic in the Woods

Okay, after my zillion loads of laundry, Ken and I took the kids for a hike. We didn't want to go far, but we had heard about a trail behind the Nazarene church here in Dalton. Go figure, we're hikers and we have never been on it. Anyway, we didn't get there until nearly 4:30. Disney Trail. I did have some concern when there was a laminated note attached to the wooden sign that said, "Please, leave some note on your car telling us of your arrival. We like to help out when problems arise." signed "The Nazarene Church".

Well, we started out on a pretty steep trail that got steeper and steeper. We finally topped the top of the trail after several very steep rises in the trail. It was AMAZING. The view was gorgeous. I wished we had discovered this a few weeks earlier. I'm sure the leaves were beautiful then.

The best thing about our hike was -well, I turned as we were coming down and saw two pre teen kids (yes, I'm talking about Will and Bryn) actually engaged in REAL arguing, no fighting, just talking about, well, just stuff. I made Ken snap a picture of them without them knowing...I wanted to remember this moment without ruining the moment. It was BEAUTIFUL!!!! You see, Will and Bryn ARGUE constantly about EVERYTHING. We often comment that we wish they were as close to each other as Erin and Jay (they play lovingly together for hours). I think Ken and I realized that with the craziness of the year since July that we really have not taken the time to really SPEND time with our family. On the trail, I think there were no distractions, no craziness, but there was time to really talk and really listen to each other. It felt good.
Oh, and did I mention that there was some concern coming back down the mountain that we were not going to make it out of the woods and off the trail before it got dark...seriously? We made it by maybe 10 minutes...yes, 10 minutes. I was a little worried, but WE made it.
hugs and happy family time to everybody,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thanks for the AWARD!!!

My sweet friend, Cindy, awarded me with this great award.

I believe that I'm supposed to answer the following questions and give awards to other people:

1. Do you have the same friends since childhood?

Well, they are still my friends. I don't see them often or converse with them often, but I do miss them at times. There are a few, that when I see-it's immediately like we never missed a beat.

2. What do you value most about your friends?

Well, I like to believe (and I'm pretty sure - it's true) that they love me when I'm bad and when I'm good. They see me and love me where I'm at. Also, so many of my close friends are also my sisters in Christ. They understand the grace and mercy that Christ awarded us and they also show that same grace and mercy to me.

3. Are your friends your sounding boards?

Well, I tend not to sound off about deep things within me very often, but when I do...they definitely are there to listen. I would say that my best friend in the whole world (Ken-this is you I'm talking about) is my biggest sounding board...bless his huge ol' heart.

4. What is your favorite activity to do with your friends? Well, always a weekend away with him ...oh.. and you girls - I love a weekend away with you, too!!! I just like being with my matter what we're doing.

I'm awarding this to 5 of my blogging friends:

1. Ken (my honey)

2. Tamara C

3. Bernie

4. Marilyn K.

5. Jennifer J.