Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Shabby Nest: A Super Fantabulous Product Giveaway

The Shabby Nest: A Super Fantabulous Product Giveaway

OMG, I've been drooling over this thing forever. I was gonna ask my hunky guy for one for Christmas, but I don't know...maybe if I won it, then I could ask him for something else. ; )

Check out this wonderful give away for a Silhouette Die Cut Machine.

Hugs to all,

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Many of you know that my sweet, baby boy already had to miss 2 days of kindergarten.  His AWESOME, SUPER teacher and her wonderful assistant sent home one of the activities that he missed on Friday.  We took full advantage of the fun!  He and his older sister enjoyed following the directions to make a snack that went with the book Chicka Chicka Boom.  He had to wear his safari hat for the occassion.  FUN STUFF!!!

Where, Oh Where Did My Lazy Days Go?

Ho hum, well, school started back...ho hum.  I miss summer.  I love my job, but honestly, if I didn't have to work- I would love that, too. :0)  It seems like the weekend takes forever to get here and then it's gone when you blink your eyes.  My kids are kinda like that, too.  It took forever for them to get here and next year Bobo will be driving.  Seriously?  Crazy!!!

I spent my Saturday cleaning and organizing. I blinked and the day was over.  One linen closet clean. Check.  Armoire in the bedroom weeded out.  Check.  Kitchen cleaned, sanitized and mopped.  Check. Living area mopped.  Check.  Linens washed.  Check.

Before, my summer was quickly snagged from me.  I was able to make a few things.  Here's one of my little projects.  I was inspired by another blogger, but can't seem to find her page right now.  When I do, I certainly will give her credit.  Hers was very similar to mine so I quickly copy catted it!!!

  This wreath  was really. really easy, but did take a lot of time.  I just tied the ribbon and fabric in knots onto one of those wire wreath thingy majigs that you can pick up at hobby lobby for a couple of bucks.  My fingers would get sore so I'd have to take a break for a day or so, then I'd come back to it.  It's a lot of tying.  I finished it and hung it on my front door but decided I didn't like it there.  Then, I put it in my living room didn't like it there either.  It migrated to my bathroom on one of those blank walls over the tub.
I'm still thinking of adding a big ol' "R" to the center of it.  Hmmmmm....that may be a project for today.  Ya'll know I'm monogram crazy.  My kids say, "What's with all the  "R's" in this house?"  Bird (aka Jayden) said the other day, "Mama, we're making a whole new house.  We're changing everything."   I say, "Well, we had a very productive summer with our paint cans."  :0)

Friday, August 13, 2010

First Day of School

OK, for the first day of school festivities I arose at the crack of dawn to make alphabet pancakes for the kiddos.  NO, I do not do this every day or even every year.  I just wanted to somehow attempt to start their day off right.   The little's loved it.  The bigs rolled their eyes at it.  I wasn't surprised by the responses.  Also, did you know that middle schoolers DETEST having their picture made first thing in the morning?

He was struggling here...just rolled outta the bed.  But you can see the excitement in his face.
Just wondering if anyone else's husband keeps it soooooooooooo cold in your house at night that as soon as you step outside with the camera, the lens fogs up?  Who likes struggling with a foggy lens.?  Doesn't Jayden look sooooo excited?
See, no foggy lens here.  They are adorable!

Jayden with his kindergarten teacher, Ms. Renee (otherwise known as Ms. "Hot").   We'll leave it at that.

Erin and Ms. Dohne!  She already loves her.  She ABSOLUTELY loves that her best friend, Emily is in her class.  They haven't been together since kindergarten. 

This afternoon!

I wish it were really like this, but I must confess that they came and asked me to take a picture of them "fake" sleeping.  Ok, so it's fake.  It's still cute as a bug!  Love them!

******edited to add******
The hunky guy made me add that he had to eat plain ol' round pancakes.  He did not get to partake in the alphabet ones...lol.

Linking up to Frugal Friday

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Look what we did today!!!

Okay, the other day I was browsing around and ran across a site with a tutorial for a RAINBOW CAKE.  Sadly Fortunately, my sweet youngest two children happened to see me looking at it.  Before long I had promised to make one without thinking about what I was really getting myself into.  Actually, I kind of, really wanted to make it because it looked so cool.
Since the diet starts on Monday, I thought I might as well take full advantage of my pre-diet weekend.  We didn't make the diet version, but the full FAT version.  It makes me smile to think about it.  Highly recommend this for kids.  We had a blast making it together.  The worst part was waiting for it to cool so we could ice it.

Please, ignore the gang signs in the background.

Doesn't the inside look really cool?

Just one more look...in case you're curious.
Have a great last weekend before school starts.
Hey, I'm linking up at the weekend wrapup party over at Tatertots and Jello!  Fun stuff to look at!